Instructional and Federal Programs Logo

Office of Instruction & Federal Programs

The Office of Instruction and Federal Programs serves to ensure that at-risk students can achieve proficiency on state academic assessments aligned to state academic standards, focuses on academic activities, and works to improve teaching and learning to meet students' needs effectively using federal funds.

The West Point Consolidated School District operates six schools as school-wide title schools. All students in these schools may be served. Our focus includes the following five dimensions:

    *Student Achievement
    *School Context and Organization
    *Professional Development
    *Curriculum and Instruction, and
    *Family and Community Involvement.

meet our staff

Instruction and Federal Programs
Central Office Annex
196 Tournament Street
West Point, MS  39773

Office Hours:  8:00am - 4:30pm (CST)
Phone:  662-494-4364


Reita M. Humphries
Asst. Superintendent - Instruction & Federal Programs
Homeless Liaison
Foster Care Point of Contact
EL Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator

Melinda M. Johnson
Administrative Assistant

Instructional & Federal Program Forms/Related Documents

MDE Releases MS Middle School Transition Toolkit

Dyslexia Information and Instruction Links